Edgeworks Climbing and Fitness Is Project of the Week in Seattle Daily Journal of Commerce

Edgeworks Climbing Gym and Fitness in Bellevue, WA, was the Seattle Daily Journal of Commerce’s Project of the Week.

“The renovated location now totals 40,000 square feet and includes a 45-foot interior mass filled with climbing walls, a new front desk and check-in area, public social spaces, a yoga room and new restrooms.”

Eatertainment Venues Must ‘Earn’ Customers’ Time with Community and Camaraderie

Recently highlighted in Retail TouchPoints by Editor Adam Blair, For the Thrill of It: Eatertainment Experiences That Cater to All dives into the key drivers of a successful eatertainment venue.

“There’s a reason that ‘eat’ comes first in ‘eatertainment.’ ‘People want to have a one-stop destination, and if you can do that successfully, you’ll earn more of their time and wallet,’ said Melissa Gonzalez.”

Research & Insights – August 2024

For the Thrill of It: Eatertainment Experiences That Cater to All

Eatertainment has been called the most disruptive force in the industry since the launch of fast casual*. As part of the “experience economy”, eatertainment taps into longtime favorites like bowling and mini golf, as well as newer entrants like pickleball, surfing and escape rooms. And while these environments are often designed with a specific activity in mind and include elements such as interactive dining, live performances and innovative technology, it is important that owners, operators and designers consider 什么 their audience truly desires in these spaces as a way to unlock a sense of connectivity, and ultimately drive repeat visitation and spend. In our investigation, we sought to understand and identify the eatertainment environment features that deliver the most value to consumers and the on-site amenities and programming opportunities that contribute to making the experience an unforgettable one.

*Robert Thompson, CEO of Angevin & Co. 

The full report is available for download at the bottom of this preview. Take me there now!

What We Learned – Consumer Personas Defined

Per our investigation, each of our respondents self-identified with one of the following consumer personas, providing a deeper look into their experience with and their perceptions of an eatertainment environment, and which enhanced offerings would deliver the most value to them:

48%, Funclusives

Defined as individuals whose preferred experience is one where they don’t need to be an expert to enjoy themselves and there is a level of accessible and social fun; appeals to first-timers, those newer to a game or activity; food is a secondary component of the experience.

29%, Food Fanatics

Defined as individuals whose preferred experience is one where the food and beverage offering is on par with or exceeding the entertainment; appeals to those who view the entertainment component as icing on the cake and secondary to the food offering.

23%, Competitively Social

Defined as individuals whose preferred experience is to participate in a certain activity (i.e., pickleball, golf, sports betting); appeals to more avid fans and those who want to get in on the action and compete; food is a secondary component of the experience.

The Opportunity, Evolution, and Growth of Eatertainment

Eatertainment has a rich history, from traditional bowling alleys with finger foods and pitchers of beer, to mini golf with ice cream and snow cones, to arcades with soda fountains and bubble gum machines. What gives this genre staying power is its function as a “third place”, a welcoming destination to convene with others, offering a unique blend of entertainment, dining and social experiences that foster a sense of community and belonging. If we look at key drivers of society today, and the near future, the transformation of how we work, naturally interact and discover have all evolved consumers’ needs and wants. Digitization continues to open up access to information and communities on a global level creating an always connected society while also fostering a paradoxical sense of disconnection. This juxtaposition opens an underlying yearning and craving for real, in-person activities, connected through shared experiences of joy and laughter and escapism. By studying the cross generational influences from Gen Z to Boomers, we uncover the opportunities that exist for these environments to embody the pillars of desire, blending the nostalgia of traditional pastimes with modern innovations and providing experiences that become a beacon for socialization, joy, camaraderie and thrills. Experiences that keep guests wanting to come back again and again.

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Angel of the Winds RV Resort & Entertainment Space

The Clubhouse at Angel of the Winds RV Resort in Arlington, WA, is inspired by the grand lodges of the National Parks. An RV-sized porte-cochere is the gateway to the resort, directly connecting guests to the entrance for a seamless arrival experience. The property offers an elevated camping environment, which today’s travelers are looking for.

Essential to the building’s design is its indoor/outdoor connection, emphasized by floor-to-ceiling windows. A grand hall has a gable roof, high ceilings, and a large fireplace for gatherings. Shou Sugi Ban Charred Wood, used on the façade, is repeated in the interior, along with locally finished cedar wood ceilings and paneling. A large communal firepit reminiscent of a campfire beckons guests to meet and mingle and encourages impromptu conversation. S’Klallam artist Brian Perry crafted traditionally inspired art pieces found throughout the property. A gathering room featuring a lounge area with foosball and pool tables and a view of the outdoors was designed for casual conversation.

Beyond the Clubhouse lies the resort’s extensive facilities, which include 182 RV stalls, 8 yurts, hotel-quality restrooms with shower and laundry facilities, picnic and BBQ shelters, an off-leash dog park, an interpretive walking trail, 9 fire pits, pickleball courts, a miniature golf course, and a children’s playground. In the distance is a lookout pavilion with a view of the valley and Mt. Baker. The Clubhouse is designed to serve the entire RV resort as a gathering and entertainment space infused with the area’s natural wonder.


Edgeworks Climbing & Fitness at Crossroads

As part of the Crossroads master plan, MG2 worked with ROIC and Edgeworks to design a new climbing gym. Edgeworks currently has three locations and offers fitness classes designed to complement a climbing routine. The gym, which includes a 10k SF addition to the existing 30k SF space, was completed in 2024. MG2 worked on the core and shell design and handled all phases of the project, from design through construction administration. This full-service project also featured a 45-foot interior mass filled with climbing walls, a new front desk and check-in area, public social spaces, a yoga room, new restrooms, and the renovation of existing restrooms, providing a comprehensive solution for the client.

Research & Insights – May 2024

Creating New Kinds of Magic at the Movies

A trip to the movies is still regarded by consumers as the most cost-friendly yet entertaining out of home entertainment experience over sporting, live concerts, and amusement parks*. While pressures from at-home streaming are significant, movie theaters are still the leading place for out-of-home entertainment, providing large-format viewing experiences that cannot be achieved at home. In this report, we look to understand and identify the viewing experience elements that deliver the most value to consumers and the on-site amenities and activities that can elevate the traditional movie-going experience beyond what was expected.

*Cinema Foundation 2023

The full report is available for download at the bottom of this preview. Take me there now!

What We Learned – Consumer Personas Defined

Per our investigation, each of our respondents self-identified with one of the following consumer personas, providing a deeper look into their moviegoing preferences and the amenities and activities that would deliver the most value to them:

35%, Movie Minimalist

Defined as individuals who go to the movies every once in a while but does stream movies at home often; comfortable with the more traditional cinema and box office experience (popcorn, soda, big screen) without all the bells and whistles.

28%, Entertainment Seeker

Defined as individuals who go to the movies typically as a way to spend the afternoon or evening; may or may not have kids – values when there are attached options that complement the experience such as recreation, restaurants, or retail.

21%, Social Cinemagoer 

Defined as individuals who go to the movies typically for the social component of the experience; appreciates that cinema will always be a place for an intimate date night or taking part in the cultural buzz of the moment (i.e, Barbenheimer).

17%, Film Fanatic 

Defined as individuals who go to the movies often and prefer the experience to streaming; passionate about film as an art form from the storytelling to production and values cinemas that emphasize an immersive viewing experience.

What Moviegoers Want From the Cinema Experience

Consumers will pay for a heightened experience, as demonstrated by amusement parks, Broadway shows or immersive art installations, and movie theaters share a similar opportunity. Audiences want to be entertained and even with at-home streaming available to them, there is still a desire and an appetite to go in-person to the theater. While comfortable seating, a good view and popcorn have always been table stakes, consumer behaviors and expectations of the movie theater experience are evolving. They have come to expect convenience in all things, especially with the use of smartphones, and post-pandemic being comfortable is no longer negotiable. Additionally, many consumers today identify as “foodies” and are interested in an elevated and unique food and beverage experience while watching a movie. These changing behaviors and preferences illuminate an opportunity for cinema operators who want to expand their offerings in order to surprise and delight consumers, giving them more than one reason to visit the theater. 

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Arena Sports


MG2与Arena Sports合作,设计了首个位于Mill Creek的体育娱乐场馆。Arena Sports专注于家庭娱乐活动,重点发展室内足球运动。他们希望拥有充满活力的运动空间,并提供扩展服务,不仅可以汇聚运动员,也可以增添与家人和社区的纽带。

基于以上需求,MG2打造了可满足家庭娱乐项目的室内设施,其中包括场内餐饮设施、保龄球场、激光枪战游戏、攀岩、游戏机、充气游乐场和攀绳梯课程。设计的重要组成部分还包括用于举办特别活动、私人聚会和公司办公的便利设施。占地9100多平米的设施采用高效实用的布局,带有开放空间, 70个天窗保证了良好的自然采光。不论是退役的专业运动员、周末前来的业余爱好者,还是希望丰富孩子活动项目的家长,这一新建的体育中心可以满足不同人群的不同需求。


Food Hall & Entertainment

Designed to be a curated culinary and social gathering brand—MG2 programmed and designed this 40,000 SF experience to include a variety of food, beverage, and entertainment options. The spaces serves as a hub for the community and surrounding neighborhoods with range of fast casual to full-service dining and drinking. This flexible market and outdoor eat/play zone anchor the ground floor while the second floor extends the experience with a national entertainment venue, zone for live music, and outdoor terrace bar and dining. Pillars of local, tech integration and sustainability were used to ground this flexible venue.











MG2整合了The Escape Game内部团队精心设计的独特逃生室技术,与利益相关者共同努力,为未来的地点注入了原型体验设计,品牌标准和项目流程。客户还获得了MG2与当地司法管辖区紧密合作以应对这种独特类型的项目所面临的具有挑战性的建筑法规要求的经验的附加价值。

逃脱游戏体验融合了强大,一致的品牌标识属性,同时为客户在每个空间提供一种独一无二的娱乐体验。 MG2协助The Escape Game在佐治亚州亚特兰大开设了第一家分店,并继续在概念开发方面进行合作,因为它们已扩展到内华达州,加利福尼亚州和西北太平洋地区。