

Sky-high Amenities

斯坦福酒店集团(Stanford Hotels)与MG2合作,设计了一座54层的多功能酒店和住宅楼,位于西雅图市中心的一个显眼角落。富有挑战性的场地被众多建筑物类型和用途所包围,迫使MG2从多个角度彻底检查和验证设计决策。 MG2团队在立面上引入了水平和垂直节奏,从而帮助将豪华塔楼编织到街区的背景结构中。


  • Project Details

  • 地点 华盛顿州,西雅图
  • 客户 斯坦福酒店
  • 市场分类 , ,
  • 规模 661,000平方英尺; 257个按键; 233个住宅单元
  • 设计服务

Tower 12


Continental Properties购入了西雅图市中心黄金地段的一个地块,原计划建设高层住宅。不过,经与MG2咨询之后,他们决定改变转而开发豪华公寓,满足西雅图对高端租赁的市场需求,提升开发项目的投资回报率。

Tower 12目前提供从工作室到顶层豪华公寓在内的各种租赁选择,打造了多样化的垂直社区,为现代都市人提供了各种富有吸引力的特色设施,其中包括室外露台、休息室、游戏室、媒体中心、会议室、健身设施和令人羡慕的步行可及的城市景点和目的地。该项目吸引了注重健康和环保的人群,建筑已获得LEED银级认证,其朝向设计也最大限度地展现了派克市场(Pike Place Market)和奥林匹克山(the Olympic Mountains)的标志性景观。




我们的团队立即接受了已经实施的计划,在保持项目进展的同时,创造了一个新颖的故事,使之成为我们自己的故事。 MG2的设计师采用了一种情境方法,在太平洋西北部散发着零星天气的情况下玩耍,我们自然回应了多层服装。最终的设计使用了美化环境,照明和新建的空间来诠释我们的建筑故事,为曾经的锚点带来新的活力。

Washington Square






Close to the 405 corridors and the heart of downtown Kirkland sits the Rose Hill Shopping Center: a 40-year-old retail center and mall area growing more outdated by the day. The seven-acre site, which lacks residential or green spaces, was ready for a transformation, one that would help holistically foster a healthy, walkable community and support the growing tech company campuses nearby.

Madison Development Group partnered with MG2 to master plan, design, and develop the new Rose Hill: an innovative multi-block, mixed-use community campus project. Bringing to life seven unique buildings connected by a walkable, pedestrian-centric courtyard experience, Rose Hill will play host to over 830 residential units, 84,200 sq/ft of retail and grocery space, and 1,049 parking stalls, creating a memorable destination for the entire city of Kirkland and beyond.

One of the largest multi-family residence projects in the Seattle area, MG2 designers were tasked with establishing a livable community that felt like it’d always belonged there. The topography’s steep grading—a challenge our team has worked with before—was cleverly used to the site design’s favor, creating multiple entry points to the tiered complex. The central pedestrian plaza, a lush, tree-scaped, walkable courtyard bordered by active retail, is publicly accessible via a grand terraced staircase from 85th Street. The parking structure’s first floor features open-air, landscaped elements which blend seamlessly with the rest of the complex.

Moving through the campus, which is designed to encourage interaction, exploration, and curiosity, residents and visitors can easily see the variety of amenities and landmarks the property offers. Amenities are purposefully dispersed across several buildings, each of which is crafted to radiate their own personality inside and out while still speaking the same design language. The contextual significance of Rose Hill helps foster a sense of place; as one of the most pedestrian, walkability-focused projects in the neighborhood, this top-of-mind awareness of personable facilities and amenities fosters familiarity as well as continued inquisitiveness.

MG2’s unique cross-market expertise, integrated services packages, and long-standing relationships with retailers like PCC, Costco, and Target ensured that our team understood the intricate nuances of how a diverse, thriving, healthy community like Rose Hill would need to be designed for future success. Partnering closely with the client on timelines, the project has been broken down into a three-phased approach, ensuring that no detail is overlooked as we add 783 new multi-family homes and 77,000 SF of retail space to the community.

  • Project Details

  • 地点 华盛顿柯克兰
  • 客户 麦迪逊发展
  • 市场分类 ,
  • 规模 783伙; 1,294,000平方英尺; 77,000平方英尺的零售; 1,133个停车位
  • 设计服务