
What Designers Should Know About Antimicrobial Products

10 月 2021 / By Candon Michelle Murphy

This article was originally published on i+s on October 8, 2021.

With the ongoing conversation around cleanliness in our built environments, there has been a large push to add anything available to inhibit the spread of viruses. “Antimicrobial” is seemingly a buzzword as of late, and you may have been questioned by your clients about what is available on the market that possesses these types of properties.  

Let’s break down what you should be looking out for and what you should be wary of when it comes to doing your part as a designer around health in the built environment

What Are Antimicrobial Products? 

There are two ways a product can be antimicrobial. First, we have products that are inherently antimicrobial, which means that their surface does not foster the growth of bacteria. You may have heard of copper having this property, which is unusual in this category due to the unique oxidizing process which actually kills bacteria. But for most products, this means that the surface of their product in so smooth and non-porous that there is no opportunity for the bacteria to grow.  

The second way a product can be defined as antimicrobial is with certain classes of chemicals integrated into the product or added on to a product as a coating. Although these products have been available on the market for many years, the advertising of them and the explosion of new products with these properties available has intensified over the pandemic. 

Why Scientists Are Concerned About Antimicrobials 

Despite the availability of these products, there has been much concern in the scientific community around these for nearly 20 years. After a study, the CDC said in 2003, “There is no evidence that antimicrobials in products prevent disease in hospital settings.”  Additionally, a study in 2016 noted the “FDA banned 19 antimicrobial ingredients, including triclosan and triclocarban, in over-the-counter consumer antiseptic wash products based on insufficient evidence demonstrating their safety for long-term daily use and that they reduce the spread of illness and infection.” Despite the ban on this particular product category, many of these chemicals are still overwhelmingly used with similar claims in other products.  

But there is a deeper concern here aside from the false advertising of these claims: there is quite a bit of proof available to show that antimicrobials are not only ineffective but the chemicals that are used in these products provide far more harm than good. 

[Related: How to Specify Cleanable Surfaces for Healthcare]

In December 2015, citing the concern for exposure to toxic chemicals and threat of drug-resistant bacteria, the health giant Kaiser Permanente banned the use of “15 specific antimicrobial chemicals to ban from its hospitals and other buildings because they can be toxic to both people and the environment.” Shortly after, a consortium of over 200 scientists and medical professionals released The Florence Statement, which details out a wide variety of concerns about these chemicals including but not limited to their properties of being toxic, bioaccumulation, and persistent. 

It has shown that specifically triclosan and triclocarban, which are the most common antimicrobial agents, are carcinogenic and endocrine disruptors in both human and animal tests. In addition, neither of these chemicals break down over time and have been detected in urine, breast milk, and sea life worldwide. Other commonly used antimicrobial chemicals contribute to microbial resistance, are known allergens and skin irritants, and provide adverse respiratory, nervous system, immunological, reproductive, and developmental effects. 

Many manufacturers of products will assure you that their additives of antimicrobial properties will not harm the environment or the humans occupying the space. But the truth is that coatings will eventually wear off, in the air or on someone’s skin; products will chip and turn into airborne pollutants; items will ultimately end their life in a landfill and leach into the surrounding ecosystem. 

5 Ways to Avoid Health Harm 

Despite all the evidence supporting the avoidance of these additives, we still have many clients and owners requesting these products. Because it is our role as designers to provide the best solutions possible, we should take responsibility for advocating against harm in the built environment while still supporting health. Here are some ways you can speak with your client about antimicrobials and alternate solutions. 

1. Educate yourself, your colleagues, and your clients on the harmful effects of antimicrobial chemicals. The Green Science Policy Institute has many resources to help you understand and provide information to others. Listen to the client’s preferences but offer them the information to make an informed decision. 

2. There are some antimicrobial products that do not contain chemicals of concern. Be sure to ask questions about what exactly the antimicrobial properties are and cross-reference with available information from verified sources. Create a list of these products to bring to your clients as alternate solutions. 

3. Understand the cleaning procedures of your clients and select finishes that support a high level of cleanability. Be ready with cutsheets to support how to clean the items. 

4. Think like a healthcare designer and implement highly cleanable design into every space. Consider detailing out inside corners that could be breeding grounds or incorporate bleach-cleanable textiles. Focus on making a space easy to clean rather than relying on something that may or may not work. 

5. Most importantly, build your knowledge of those inherently antimicrobial materials we touched on earlier. There are more available than you might realize, and here is a short but certainly not exhaustive list to get you started: 

  • PVD coatings: A far more sustainable way to finish metals than traditional electroplating, PVD is also inherently antimicrobial. This is available on a variety of hardware products and is also proven to outlast electrocoating. 
  • Linoleum: This all-around highly sustainable and healthy product is also a bacteria-killer. It is inherently antiallergenic, antibacterial and antistatic.  
  • Glass: The super smooth surface of glass shows to inhibit the growth of bacteria as well as being very highly cleanable while also having the ability to be super-heated for full disinfection. 
  • Some natural yarns like linen, merino wool and hemp: A wool rug is not only antimicrobial, but it also won’t stain either. 

Truthfully, the fact of this virus and others that we will face in our lifetime is that there is no magic solution to provide a bacteria and virus-free space. The most effective way to fight the spread of germs is through caution, mitigating exposure through all means available, and proper cleaning and disinfecting. 


6 Corners Lofts

Where Mixed-Use Innovation Meets Historic Revitalization

In an effort to revitalize a 1938 Sears building and reinvigorate a historic Chicago shopping district, Novak Development has partnered with MG2 as their design architect to bring to life an innovative mixed-use project complete with 200 residential units, over 50,000 s/f of retail, and 300 parking spaces.

MG2’s cross-market expertise spanning multi-family and mixed-use built environments grants our team the ability to create a holistic, inviting community experience. Simultaneously, our decades-long relationships with some of the world’s top retail brands and intimate knowledge of their programs and operations allow us to engage our portfolio of partners, bringing Target in on the ground floor—literally and figuratively— to create a truly unique experience for the residents of Chicago.

6 Corners Lofts mixed-use development provides the opportunity to create an architectural transformation that connects past and present and sets the tone for the future of the neighborhood.

“Six Corners was once the second-busiest shopping center aside from downtown area,” says Richard Fahy in a recent article by Block Club Chicago. He is a representative for Operating Engineers Local 150 and a longtime Northwest Side resident, “This site has the potential in playing a vital role in transforming our community and give our local economy a boost that is long overdue.”

The existing 1932 building serves as a historic backbone and foundation from which we can build a new and meaningful story for the neighborhood, residents, and visitors. The revitalization of 6 Corners Lofts is an opportunity to design a destination-worthy experience for the area. Our design—an iconic juxtaposition of Art Deco with cutting-edge technology—honors the historic nature of the site while simultaneously infusing new energy and life to the community it serves.

Chicago poised to OK plans for former Sears at Six Corners

City planners, fulfilling long-time wishes of Northwest Side residents, are backing the redevelopment of the former Sears store at Six Corners in Portage Park.

The building at the northeast corner of Irving Park Road and Cicero Avenue would be renovated with new Art Deco touches and accommodate 207 residences. Plans on file with the city show the building would get a rooftop addition that would make it six stories tall.

Neighbors Applaud Six Corners Sears Redevelopment At 1st Public Meeting

Neighbors of the proposed Six Corners Sears redevelopment largely applauded the project at a virtual public meeting Thursday, but some raised concern over the lack of affordable housing, among other things.



The Fairmont Olympic Hotel Seattle
Fairmont Olympic Reception Desk


费尔蒙奥林匹克酒店(Fairmont Olympic)最初于1924年开放,是西雅图最古老,历史最悠久的建筑之一。作为纽约市的主要酒店经营者和国家历史古迹注册机构的成员,它接待了从约翰·列侬(John Lennon)到特迪·罗斯福(Teddy Roosevelt)总统等数十位精英。

当费尔蒙奥林匹克(Fairmont Olympic)着手进行一项旨在将现代优雅与经典永恒融合在一起的修复项目时,他们知道他们需要一支具有深刻理解力的团队,并努力保持空间的每一英寸遗产,细节和遗产,同时保持高雅品味。提升他们已经完善的经验。

With two design teams hand-selected from Boston and Barcelona, MG2 was brought on as the project’s Executive Architect, appointed to orchestrate the delicate restoration program and oversee the handling of code enforcement, city processes, design reviews, execution, and final delivery.



The Olympic Bar Seattle WA



费尔蒙奥林匹克酒店(Fairmont Olympic Hotel)是一个复杂的迷宫,由许多楼层和夹层楼组成,在项目开始时,以后的客人和访客都不容易到达。


The Fairmont Olympic Bar


大楼梯的设计经过了改进,旨在为现有的水磨石注入新的生命。 Fairmont有了一个附加功能,那就是机会:不再只是楼梯,上升已经成为一种存在,一个Instagram时刻,也是故事的一部分。



The Fairmont Olympic was recently named a finalist in NAIOP’s 2021 Night of the Stars for “Historic Renovation of the Year”, as well as a finalist in GRAY Magazine’s 2021 Design Awards for “Interior Design”.



11 月 2020 / By Abbie Drake









为了将宜人的目的地带到Bellevue的市区走廊,MG2与该城市合作设计,建造并实现了Wilburton Village South。与“俄罗斯方块的城市规模”相比,该建筑群经过精心策划,每个零售商铺和店面都经过完全定制,可以满足该品牌的需求。 

与相邻的North项目一起,Wilburton Village South将为社区提供各种服务,包括医疗,餐馆,银行,杂货店,娱乐,休闲,体育用品和家居摆设。该广场设有充足的户外座位和喷泉,此外还提供动态照明,可适应不断变化的心情和季节。令人叹为观止的玻璃幕墙将顾客欢迎到中心,而雨棚覆盖的人行道可保护行人。  


旨在同时保持品牌体验和卓越运营的设计,MG2能够掩盖客户从未见过的所有内部性能要求。从PCC装货场的杂货卡车到Target的数百辆汽车停车场,再到Virginia Mason的MRI机器的非凡要求,都可以满足所有细节。

通过对社区健康和未来发展的前瞻性和阶段性方法,未来的行人和自行车桥将与附近即将进行的轨道交通项目连接。该解决方案提供了前往Wilburton Village South和周围综合大楼的步行通道。 

  • Project Details

  • 地点 华盛顿州贝尔维尤
  • 客户 KG投资
  • 市场分类
  • 规模 160,000平方英尺
  • 设计服务


8 月 2020 / By Healing Through Hospitality, Marit Jensen, Elizabeth Bruno, Healing Through Hospitality

本文最初与 360杂志 2020年8月。 

每个行业都在猜测当今的现实将如何影响明天的可能性。 6月,《纽约客》发布了 一个内深度探索 过去的日子里,现代主义设计的根源来自结核病时代疗养院的无菌线条和幽静的色彩,这说明了建筑的未来前景。它描绘了充满大流行性变化的未来,但事实是,即使我们没有意识到或承认它,进化也已经深入进行。

























Emerald City Commons roofline

由Mercy Housing与Urban Impact合作开发的Emerald City Commons旨在满足低收入家庭的需求而又不影响质量或功能。特别针对有孩子的家庭,精心布置了居住单元,使较大的三居室单元从建筑物向外延伸,以提供自然通风,并为父母提供180度的视野,供父母观看孩子在室外公共场所玩耍。




Suzhou Sunny World International Apartments offers 50 floors of modern luxury for its global resident population. As the second phase of Sunny World City – a massive multi-building development in a growing CBD anchored by a Shangri-La Hotel – MG2 designed the project to maximize program areas without compromising on quality.








  • Project Details

  • 地点 中国,上海
  • 客户 上海上投投资集团有限公司
  • 市场分类 ,
  • 规模 392,000 SF(36431 SM); 309把钥匙
  • 设计服务





福州电力调度中心位于中国福建省繁华的首都,其设计灵感来自电力和电力流。 50米高的通讯尖顶在建筑物顶部,与玻璃和钢制框架营造出强烈的口音和视觉对比。







  • Project Details

  • 地点 中国芜湖
  • 客户 苏宁房地产有限公司
  • 市场分类
  • 规模 129万SF(119,844 SM)
  • 设计服务


Seeking to build density and add value to a property whose neighborhood was maturing around it, Crossroads in Bellevue, WA partnered with MG2 to evolve the urban-based shopping center into a sustainability-minded, multi-family community that leverages and seamlessly melds with nearby amenities.

Years of pedestrian studies, wayfinding strategy, and sophisticated design went into Crossroads’ U-shaped building and its positioning, ensuring the footprint lined up perfectly with surrounding environments and natural spaces. An approach that helps bolster multimodal exploration, walkability, and access to public transit, the campus seamlessly connects the public and private within its community.

Naturally, landscaping plays a significant role as well. Every edge of the complex is considered an urban trail, reinforcing the pedestrian-centric nature of the design. By converting an asphalt parking lot into green space, the team created an additional opportunity for the sustainable filtering of stormwater by implementing bioswales and rain gardens throughout. The effort resulted in 20% more community green space.

For its interiors, a thematic approach was taken to the design, embracing and enhancing the community and celebrating the diversity it fosters. Many units are two bedrooms, perfect for multi-generational families who work in the area. MG2 is working closely with the project’s interiors team to create a seamless, hybrid integration between internal and external experiences. With a color and design scheme that radiates the Pacific Northwest, there are endless opportunities for entertainment, including an activated public space and amenity-rich roof deck.

Designed as a community, not a commodity, Crossroads design incorporates a number of culturally-rich and thoughtful food options, as well as boutique retail space for brands to connect with residents and visitors alike in a highly socialized setting. The evolution of this predominantly retail environment into a sustainable, cultured, pedestrian paradise is slated for completion in 2024.

  • Project Details

  • 地点 华盛顿州贝尔维尤
  • 客户 投资回报率
  • 市场分类 , ,
  • 规模 388,380平方英尺; 244伙; 14,500平方英尺的零售/商业空间
  • 设计服务


MG2 DC办公室



该办公室由三种类型的活动区域组成,分别是公共,公共和个人活动区,它们反映了公园概念和21个概念所产生的总体设计灵感。 世纪的办公环境。






在西雅图市中心设计一个新的总部办公室时,MG2设想了一个空间,它将推动公司内部以及与客户,合作伙伴和社区之间的联系。 MG2需要一个工作环境,以展示公司的文化,人员和工作,并反映公司最新的品牌形象。

为了实现这一愿景,MG2复兴了最初由太平洋西北现代主义建筑师保罗·蒂(Paul Thiry)设计的1101第二栋大楼中的空间。 MG2聚集了一支由零售设计,办公室设计和品牌策略专家组成的多元化团队,以将零售设计的敏感性应用于工作场所的方式开发办公空间,从侧重于“客户之旅”到独特的街道-面对展览空间。









当员工和客人走进大厅时,一堵可观的绿色活墙迎接他们。该安装标志着MG2致力于在其办公室和整个客户项目中集成可持续设计解决方案。除了获得美国EPA的ENERGY STAR租户身份之外,该办公室还因其使用节能设备,对太阳敏感的照明设备和环保材料而获得了LEED银级认证。




合作开发后 西雅图君悦酒店,高端开发商RC Hedreen Company再次求助于MG2,以帮助在西雅图丹尼三角区(Denny Triangle)附近的Olive 8打造凯悦酒店。 MG2与格鲁克曼·梅纳(Gluckman Mayner)合作,打造了一座精致的39层高层建筑,充分利用了对可持续城市混合用途居住的需求。

设计团队采取了富有创造力的措施,创建了西雅图第一家获得LEED银级认证的绿色酒店,从建造宽敞的绿色屋顶到在三层楼增加33个公寓单元,以利用与建筑高度相关的可持续性激励措施。 Olive 8凯悦酒店为酒店客人和公寓居民提供高端便利设施和其他功能,为西雅图的生态豪华创造了新的标准。

  • Project Details

  • 地点 华盛顿州,西雅图
  • 客户 RC Hedreen公司
  • 市场分类 ,
  • 规模 694,000平方英尺; 346把钥匙; 231个住宅单位
  • 设计服务
  • 资质认证 LEED银级认证



SHAPE与MG2合作在目的地:Deerfoot City设计了食宿概念。食堂将成为开发中的关键社交区,社区将在那里聚集,饮食和补给。





在过去的十年中,贝尔维尤(Bellevue)已从西雅图郊区转变为繁荣的城市,吸引了新的企业和新一代的市区居民。为了利用对城市生活的不断增长的市场需求,MG2与GBD Architects合作将Bellevue市中心的两座具有里程碑意义的比例和可持续风格的混合用途塔楼引入。


  • Project Details

  • 地点 华盛顿州贝尔维尤
  • 客户 格丁·埃德伦
  • 市场分类 ,
  • 规模 125万平方英尺16,000平方英尺的零售; 539个住宅单位
  • 设计服务
  • 资质认证 LEED金奖


The Amazing Brentwood

神奇的布伦特伍德(Brentwood)位于温哥华的轻轨沿线,是一个面向交通的开发项目,涵盖零售,住宅和娱乐。 SHAPE是加拿大一家知名的开发商,与MG2合作,帮助完善了零售设计策略,并探索了该物业的未来设计阶段。



  • Project Details

  • 地点 加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省,本拿比市
  • 客户 形状
  • 市场分类 ,
  • 规模 28英亩
  • 设计服务


塔科马购物中心(Tacoma Mall)最初于1965年开业,目前是低密度,郊区风格的开发项目。但是,随着市议会最近批准新的分区代码,密度要求和基础设施更新,塔科马市中心已准备就绪,可以演变为更具城市性,以行人为导向的景观。 

为了响应城市长期协调发展的需要,MG2与塔科马购物中心(Tacoma Mall)建立了合作关系,将其重新设计为综合用途的物业,融合了新的购物,餐饮和娱乐场所。 


  • Project Details

  • 地点 华盛顿州塔科马
  • 客户 机密客户
  • 市场分类
  • 规模 保密
  • 设计服务


Modern, memorable luxury steeped in tradition

When Kawailoa Development and the Grand Hyatt Kauai began a journey to update its luxury resort offering, they sought an architectural and interior design partner that respected, embodied, and deeply understood the importance of maintaining the character of the hotel’s experience. Simultaneously, they required a trusted confidant and experts in implementing a continuous roll-out renovation program, helping them answer the question, “How can we fully update and elevate our offering over time without affecting those who seek to experience it in the interim?”

Since its onset, MG2 has been the go-to for every phase of guestroom renovation on the property. The team, consisting of several designers who worked on the original hotel and lived on Hawaii themselves, came armed with a personal understanding of the island experience. With each additional project, they continue to gain deeper insight into the resort’s brand and the area’s history, building on that established foundation of knowledge and expertise without adding time or cost to the program’s strict budget.

MG2 has designed and delivered numerous updates to the Grand Hyatt Kauai’s offering through a strategic, incremental approach while allowing the resort to maintain 80% occupancy throughout each project’s lifecycle.

The newly minted guest rooms and suites—completely redesigned from the ground up—were crafted to maintain the resort’s rich history while modernizing color palettes, refreshing interiors, elevating competition with neighboring properties. In addition, space layouts are optimized to better facilitate guests. By implementing a transitional and modern approach that utilizes lock-off and connectors, the resort can now rent out half or quarter suites to maximize occupancy.

“The freshness of the design wows our guests. Thoughtful Hawaiian elements throughout fortify the beauty of the host culture, and have been a key selling point. Demand has been at an all-time high for family and multi-generational travel. As a result, the suites have been consistently occupied, attributing to overall average rate growth.”

Katy Britzmann, Director of Sales & Marketing, Grand Hyatt Kauai

With a classic Hawaiiana aesthetic woven throughout each room and suite, designers leveraged a neutral interior palette that invites in and focalizes the stunning views and organic elements beyond to persist as the main event. Freshly painted white walls offered a blank canvas to enhance with subtle pops of color that furthered the goal of “bringing Hawaii inside.”

Furniture is low and contemporary so as not to hinder ocean views and complement natural elements that add both pattern and texture. Hyperlocal materials and flora—from monkeypod wood and coconut husk to orchids and ginger plants—were used to accent and enhance the biophilic feeling inside each room.

The Grand Hyatt Kauai’s handcrafted decor and personalized touches include locally commissioned monstera leaf-shaped coffee tables and traditional outrigger paddles, adding to the resort’s commitment to immersing guests in the local heritage and rich tradition.

With each hotel renovation project—including the upcoming Ocean Suites—MG2’s understanding of the Grand Hyatt Kauai becomes more profound and refined. As a result, our partnership continues to exceed expectations for all involved. In addition to offering a newly elevated guest experience, the resort has almost doubled its revenue per available room from the dynamic renovation of its suites, which have become more marketable and profitable than ever.




APEX是Overland Park CityPlace总体规划住宅开发第二阶段的一部分,它将为居民提供无与伦比的设施,这些设施笼罩在豪华酒店的氛围中。街道一级的零售店让位于令人惊叹的住宅大厅和邮件休息室,并设有专门的礼宾服务。租赁和便利设施集中在三楼,另外还提供庭院游泳池和顶级健身屋顶平台。


  • Project Details

  • 地点 堪萨斯州欧弗兰帕克
  • 客户 块房地产
  • 市场分类
  • 规模 18,000平方英尺的便利空间; 350伙
  • 设计服务