Eatertainment has been called the most disruptive force in the industry since the launch of fast casual*. As part of the “experience economy”, eatertainment taps into longtime favorites like bowling and mini golf, as well as newer entrants like pickleball, surfing and escape rooms. And while these environments are often designed with a specific activity in mind and include elements such as interactive dining, live performances and innovative technology, it is important that owners, operators and designers consider what their audience truly desires in these spaces as a way to unlock a sense of connectivity, and ultimately drive repeat visitation and spend. In our investigation, we sought to understand and identify the eatertainment environment features that deliver the most value to consumers and the on-site amenities and programming opportunities that contribute to making the experience an unforgettable one.
*Robert Thompson, CEO of Angevin & Co.
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What We Learned – Consumer Personas Defined
Per our investigation, each of our respondents self-identified with one of the following consumer personas, providing a deeper look into their experience with and their perceptions of an eatertainment environment, and which enhanced offerings would deliver the most value to them:
48%, Funclusives
Defined as individuals whose preferred experience is one where they don’t need to be an expert to enjoy themselves and there is a level of accessible and social fun; appeals to first-timers, those newer to a game or activity; food is a secondary component of the experience.
29%, Food Fanatics
Defined as individuals whose preferred experience is one where the food and beverage offering is on par with or exceeding the entertainment; appeals to those who view the entertainment component as icing on the cake and secondary to the food offering.
23%, Competitively Social
Defined as individuals whose preferred experience is to participate in a certain activity (i.e., pickleball, golf, sports betting); appeals to more avid fans and those who want to get in on the action and compete; food is a secondary component of the experience.
The Opportunity, Evolution, and Growth of Eatertainment
Eatertainment has a rich history, from traditional bowling alleys with finger foods and pitchers of beer, to mini golf with ice cream and snow cones, to arcades with soda fountains and bubble gum machines. What gives this genre staying power is its function as a “third place”, a welcoming destination to convene with others, offering a unique blend of entertainment, dining and social experiences that foster a sense of community and belonging. If we look at key drivers of society today, and the near future, the transformation of how we work, naturally interact and discover have all evolved consumers’ needs and wants. Digitization continues to open up access to information and communities on a global level creating an always connected society while also fostering a paradoxical sense of disconnection. This juxtaposition opens an underlying yearning and craving for real, in-person activities, connected through shared experiences of joy and laughter and escapism. By studying the cross generational influences from Gen Z to Boomers, we uncover the opportunities that exist for these environments to embody the pillars of desire, blending the nostalgia of traditional pastimes with modern innovations and providing experiences that become a beacon for socialization, joy, camaraderie and thrills. Experiences that keep guests wanting to come back again and again.
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