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Costco Wholesale first opened its global headquarters campus in the mid-1990s and has continued to expand as the company grows. Working closely with the City of Issaquah, MG2 has been partnering with Costco on developing a 30-year agreement to expand on the original master plan, which features up to 1.5 million additional square feet of office space. 

The design aims to evolve Costco’s corporate campus by reimagining working environments, enhancing connectivity to the surrounding natural environment and community, and integrating modern, efficient, and sustainable practices and materials. In its current phase, open, collaborative workspaces, multi-functional parking facilities, and high-efficiency sustainable materials and operations take center stage.

Flexible Workspaces for Wellness and Collaboration

MG2’s interior design programming for Costco’s new nine-story building serves as the standard and foundation for all office spaces across the company. Layouts and furnishings place a consistent emphasis on health and wellness, providing employees with open-concept workspaces and flexible meeting areas. To further promote collaboration and culture, three new food and beverage spaces, an auditorium, and an art-centric exhibit space contribute to the brand’s principles of “campus, connection, and community” that it has envisioned for its evolved headquarters.

The expanded fitness center, which now includes a gym in the parking garage, allows for more daylight and promotes overall employee well-being. The flexible exhibit area on the ground floor of the new parking garage provides a space for vendors to showcase their products to employees.

A Multi-Functional Parking Garage

In tandem with Costco Wholesale’s new nine-story office building, MG2 also designed a complimentary parking structure for employees, featuring 1,694 stalls and 712,000 square feet of space. Connected to the workspaces via a sky bridge, the first floor of the parking garage features a 13,130-square-foot staff wellness center—complete with a fitness gym, aerobics room, full-service locker rooms, and secure interior bicycle storage—a 14,500-square-foot exhibit hall—which provides a space for vendors to showcase their products to employees—and a catering kitchen.

Building a Greener Future Inside and Out

Costco and MG2 prioritized sustainability throughout the design, targeting sustainable certifications and sourcing local materials. Key sustainability features include:

  1. Triple-glazing: The building envelope utilizes triple-pane glazing and strategic positioning of north vs south facades to reduce energy demand and optimize natural daylighting.
  2. Daylighting: Daylight sensors, LEDs, narrow floor plans, and an intelligent interior layout maximize natural light and reduce the need for artificial lighting.
  3. DOAS System: The dedicated outdoor air system efficiently recovers energy and reduces heating demand by using interior building heat to warm up outside air, reducing fossil fuel usage.

Additionally, a 43.75 kW solar photovoltaic system on the roof trellises—equating to roughly 2,250 square feet of solar panels—is installed atop the parking garage, while the interior of the garage houses three large backup generators to support the adjacent offices.

Costco’s commitment to sustainability is further demonstrated by providing real-time feedback through a display in the Headquarters lobby, helping inform employees on how they can improve their energy and water consumption.

Setting a New Standard for Corporate Campuses

As the 30-year master plan continues to evolve and take shape, MG2’s forward-looking design approach for Costco’s Headquarters expansion creates a dynamic, interconnected, and sustainable work environment that fosters collaboration and well-being. 

The emphasis on a healthy interior design language, multi-functional environments such as its new parking garage, and sustainability features both inside and out showcase the brand’s dedication to its employees, the local community, and the environment.






  • Project Details

  • 地点 多个地点,西北太平洋
  • 客户 常青树
  • 市场分类
  • 规模 1,600平方英尺
  • 设计服务




拥有100年悠久历史并在美国拥有数百万忠实顾客的标志性餐厅品牌白色城堡(White Castle)准备提高就餐体验的标准。他们提供一种独一无二的菜单,因此他们需要大胆,创新地升级产品,以寻求向未开发的消费者群体介绍自己。 

White Castle与MG2合作,与我们的设计团队携手合作,为更现代的客户旅程提供原型,其中包括物理和技术升级。这些增强功能包括灵活的室内-室外可转换就餐区,以及全新的数字体验,包括移动POS订购和交互式驾驶。


Hopworks Urban Brewery






Hopworks城市啤酒厂创始人克里斯蒂安·艾丁格(Christian Ettinger)表示:“作为可持续发展的倡导者,我们很荣幸能够成为该国最佳机场上地球上最好的酿造城市的啤酒大使。” “我们很高兴能在我们设计精美的新酒吧里,以一品脱的有机啤酒欢迎旅客来到波特兰!”




自 2007 年以来,快速休闲餐厅 Smashburger 在 9 个国家、37 个州和越来越多的地方为全球饥肠辘辘的粉丝提供了数百万个同名汉堡。在市场上,他们与 MG2 合作更新他们的用餐体验和品牌,强调他们独特的过程,鼓励社区,并拥抱他们作为厨师设计产品的传统。

一种开放、舒适的布局,鼓励用餐者在用餐之外停留更长时间。每个 Smashburger 空间都配备了反映厨师工作室的设备,增加了 USB 充电器、免费无线网络和各种不同的座位选择,可满足所有类型的体验——从一个人拿一个汉堡和一杯啤酒,到一大群朋友庆祝体育胜利。厨房的视野被打开,展示了汉堡粉碎技术,配有看台以正确观察众所周知的表演。同时,使用中的设备元素延伸到服务柜台,真正将顾客包围在烹饪过程中。

更新后的调色板向品牌的科罗拉多根源致敬,并在过度饱和的市场中成为一个关键的差异化因素。 MG2 设计师利用灰色、深灰色和黄色,与锈色和蓝色的子类别融合——向他们的丹佛根源致敬——创造了一种独特的风格和个性,同时产生视觉识别和与典型的红色、白色和黑色的距离普通汉堡店的调色板。

Finally, and perhaps most pronounced, each Smashburger proudly showcases local pride through customized art installations and EGD in each new location.

例如,波士顿通过以伦纳德·P·扎基姆 (Leonard P Zakim) 的双层山纪念桥 (Bunk Hill Memorial Bridge) 的轮廓为特色的墙壁覆盖物以及反映该结构电缆设计的内部装饰,向其当地建筑致敬。

Press Coverage








  • Project Details

  • 地点 美国,多家门店
  • 客户 Evereve
  • 市场分类
  • 规模 3,000平方英尺
  • 设计服务

Nordstrom Local

Nordstrom Local


They partnered with MG2 / The Lionesque Group to bring their vision of offering boutique, local services to life in New York City’s Upper East Side. Working side-by-side with the Nordstrom team, our designers ensured furnishings, fixtures, customer flow, and build-out met the demands of the local shoppers. The resulting space features a flexible model and floor plan that is adaptable to the changing needs of customers.


Nordstrom Rack百货


如今顾客逛商场期望能享受简单有趣而富有个性化的购物之旅。为了满足这一不断增长的需求,Nordstrom向MG2寻求咨询建议,对我们的团队而言也是一项挑战,要求我们为其Nordstrom Rack各个门店提供富有创意和灵活性的“未来百货店”的概念方案。 



















生活方式品牌Tommy Bahama以“人生是一个漫长的周末”为理念而创立,以休闲,精致的休闲服和岛屿风情而闻名。为了重振零售体验,吸收所有感官并全面反映品牌,Tommy Bahama与MG2合作开发了一种新的设计语言。最终目的是在众多商店,饭店和酒吧中培养凝聚力的客户体验。

MG2设计了三个独特的零售概念,标志性的度假胜地,家庭度假胜地和波希米亚岛,其灵感源于人们可能在数十年的阳光普照的咸水逍遥游中居住的地道空间。 标志性度假村 渲染郁郁葱葱的绿色植物和几何屏幕 家庭务虚会 具有磨损的表面,让人联想到1960年代的海滨别墅。最后但并非最不重要的, 波希米亚岛 提供带有抽象图案的丰富,非常规的纹理。这三个概念都提供了探索性的客户旅程,充满了令人愉悦的触觉体验。

同样重要的是,MG2设计的夹具,材料和销售要素的综合系统为Tommy Bahama带来了可扩展性的好处,因为它继续将每个概念提供给规模和编程不同的多个市场。


Allen Edmonds


作为一家拥有96年历史、具有标志性的高档鞋履制造商和零售商,Allen Edmonds与MG2合作,为其品牌焕新计划重塑门店购物体验。全新的购物环境融合了工业风格元素(旨在致敬该品牌近百年的“美国制造”荣耀历史)和现代风格的细节元素,着重展现Allen Edmonds鞋履产品精湛的手工工艺。 



Allen Edmonds的鞋履产品如若保养得当,几乎可以使用一生,拥有可传承延续的超高品质。品质的力量和经典的风格铸就了不可估量的价值。全新店面设计力图向生活于快时尚时代的新兴消费群体传达该品牌的特质与形象。

  • Project Details

  • 地点 美国,多家门店
  • 客户 Caleres, Inc.
  • 市场分类
  • 规模 110平米
  • 设计服务




MG2整合了The Escape Game内部团队精心设计的独特逃生室技术,与利益相关者共同努力,为未来的地点注入了原型体验设计,品牌标准和项目流程。客户还获得了MG2与当地司法管辖区紧密合作以应对这种独特类型的项目所面临的具有挑战性的建筑法规要求的经验的附加价值。

逃脱游戏体验融合了强大,一致的品牌标识属性,同时为客户在每个空间提供一种独一无二的娱乐体验。 MG2协助The Escape Game在佐治亚州亚特兰大开设了第一家分店,并继续在概念开发方面进行合作,因为它们已扩展到内华达州,加利福尼亚州和西北太平洋地区。



Enabling the retail evolution of a D2C brand

When Burrow—an innovative home furnishings brand part of the new direct-to-consumer retail movement—sought to follow up on the success of two pop-up shops with permanent flagship locations in New York, Boston, and Los Angeles, the design of these spaces hinged on a central question: How could these new flagships transform a successful online retailer into a lively, exciting lifestyle brand shoppers would now have the opportunity to interact with in-person?

Partnering with MG2 / The Lionesque Group, the teams collaborated on store design, site evaluation, and project management to bring to life Burrow House: immersive, multi-faceted, award-winning retail environments designed to grow with the company’s product line and tell the brand’s story in an experiential way.

Designed to showcase what life would be like with their furniture, Burrow House illustrates vignettes from the smallest city studio apartments to sweeping suburban family rooms. They flow from one space to the next, curating distinct narratives that offer fully shoppable bed and living room experiences. Each Burrow House location is unique, individually scouted, selected, and modularly curated by designers to best represent the brand to its target demographic in each given neighborhood.

Sustainably sourced materials reflect an inviting and familiar, mid-century style within a refined atmosphere using temperate woods and warm paint colors. And, like their award-winning furniture, the store design is flexible and modular, allowing for the continued evolution of their interiors to align with seasons, design trends, new collections, and blossoming partnerships with other DTC brands.

With locations in New York, Boston, and Los Angeles, and more on the way across the country, Burrow House is a memorable retail experience that emboldens one to redesign their living spaces far beyond a single purchase of a new couch. 

Since opening its doors, Burrow House has been featured in Furniture Today as well as Forbes, and recognized by 快速公司创新设计奖 for Retail Environments.


Nick Caputo


Nick Caputo has a hyper-focus on setting up clients for long-term financial success, by streamlining operational efficiencies. As a Principal for MG2, he excels at putting visual plans into action and helps clients remain agile to ensure projects are delivered on time and budget, helping brands such as Purple, Nordstrom Local, and Burrow evolve their offering and consumer engagement through experiential retail business models.



MJ Munsell, 国际开发协会


MJ Munsell是一位屡获殊荣的策略师,在过去的三十年中,他一直在研究消费者行为并指导下一代设计师。在担任首席创意官期间,她倡导MG2多元化市场中以人为本的设计,为我们的客户提供有意义的解决方案。在她的整个职业生涯中,她与Nordstrom,Anthropologie和Hyatt等品牌合作,创造了难忘的体验。当她不幻想新颖的空间时,可以发现MJ享受音乐节或探索城市景观,以寻找灵感和完美的卡布奇诺咖啡。








consumer experiences in grocery retail


Since its inception in 1953, PCC Community Markets— the largest consumer-owned food cooperative in the United States—has meticulously curated their store designs, programming, and community engagement to embrace and empower the neighborhoods they serve. In 2017, they began a journey that would not only elevate the co-op’s dedication to health and wellness on an unprecedented scale but would pioneer a goal that no grocery store or chain had ever sought before. PCC Community Markets was undertaking the challenge of becoming the world’s first LEED-certified grocery store to obtain Living Building Challenge (LBC) Petal Certification. And in the winter of 2020, their vision was realized.

PCC Community Markets in the Ballard neighborhood of Seattle, WA is the first LBC Petal Certified grocery store on earth. The Living Building Challenge is a rigorous and highly revered green building certification program and sustainable design framework that visualizes the ideal for the built environment. Since its extraordinary achievement, two more PCC stores—West Seattle and Bellevue—have also achieved LBC Petal Certification.

Overflowing outside and welcoming you in, each PCC Community Markets experience holistically emulates that of an open-air farmer’s market and is one that serves as an authentic reflection of the neighborhood it serves. Furthering that reflection, each store incorporates a handmade art installation, crafted exclusively from reclaimed materials and/or painted by a local artist. In Ballard, for example, shoppers are greeted by “Peggy”: a three-story multi-dimensional octopus and her accompanying mural, a display whose materials were conscientiously selected to ensure the LBC’s Materials Petal standards were met.

Store programming is holistically designed to be flexible, transparent, and engaging, adaptably built to evolve alongside culinary trends. Elements throughout the store, such as reclaimed local cedar wood produce bins, can be easily rearranged to fit the needs of every seasonal showcase.


The decision to work with a limited materials palette was intentional, aligning with the goals of durability, sustainability, and minimizing waste.

In Ballard, for instance, 100% of the store’s wood—showcased across fixtures, custom benches, and countertops—is FSC certified, with 10% of elements, from foodservice equipment to shelving, having been reclaimed or reused. Over 40% of the materials, just shy of $1.4M, were sustainably sourced, with 9.2% of those being locally derived from within 100 miles. Stores are now able to capture substantial heat and energy savings and reduce water use by 50%.

Achieving the world’s first Living Building Challenge Petal Certified grocery store—an unprecedented accomplishment in the United States—PCC Community Markets continues to push the boundaries of sustainability by pursuing certification in a number of its other new stores.

  • Project Details

  • 地点 华盛顿州多家门店
  • 客户 PCC社区超市
  • 市场分类
  • 规模 1850-2320平米
  • 设计服务
  • 资质认证 LEED 4级认证,生活建筑挑战花瓣认证


MG2很高兴宣布在我们的工作室和办公室中晋升40多名员工。 MG2植根于认可和赞赏的文化,不仅庆祝领导层内人员的进步,而且庆祝每个团队成员的进步。这里没有小角色。没有无情的才能和坚定不移的奉献精神 所有 我们的员工,我们将不再是今天的公司。

2020 promotions grid of photos and quote



  • 努比亚·埃雷拉|晋升为助理2
  • Mackenzie Gibbens |晋升为准3
  • Meadow Pirigyi |晋升为准3
  • 杰西卡·拉巴克(Jessica Labac)晋升为准4
  • 艾萨克·佩雷斯|晋升为准5


  • Gabriella Santostefano |晋升为助理2
  • Hazel Ventura |晋升为助理2
  • Krysten Gormly |晋升为准3
  • 伊沙纳(Ishana)晋升为准3
  • Paola Moreno |晋升为准3
  • Behbood Vatani |晋升为高级估算师
  • Meridyth卡特勒|晋升为高级助理1


  • Ryan Hartsuff |晋升为准5
  • 莫妮卡·罗素|晋升为准5
  • Liz Aiello |晋升为高级助理1


  • 雅各布·索萨德|晋升为助理2


  • 莎拉·伯蒂斯(Sarah Bertis)|晋升为助理2
  • 惠特尼·戈麦斯|晋升为助理2
  • Morgan Nestegard |晋升为助理2
  • 玛丽娜·索斯纳|晋升为助理2
  • 康纳·迪米克|晋升为准3
  • Trevor Gunderson |晋升为准3
  • Darren Mobley |晋升为准3
  • Kyle Bembenek |晋升为准4
  • 麦家琪|晋升为准4
  • Brian Dobry |晋升为准5
  • Fiona Cutner |晋升为高级助理1
  • 艾米·哈特|晋升为高级助理1


  • 布里奇特·阿诺德|晋升为助理2
  • 罗宾·伯格斯|晋升为准3
  • Elle Reinhard |晋升为准3
  • 霍华德·舒利恩|晋升为准5
  • 闵在权|晋升为高级助理1


  • 艾比·德雷克|晋升为高级平面设计师
  • 凯莉·库克|晋升为计划经理
  • 娜塔莎·温德|晋升为计划经理
  • 切尔西·帕迪劳|晋升为人力资源专员

在我们的领导团队中, MJ Munsell 已晋升为首席创意官。而且,除了两位新的校长之外- Risa YukiMark Taylor -和两名新的副校长- 斯科特·欧文 Mitch Pride —我们也很高兴欢迎另外两名股东: Melissa GonzalezNick Caputo,最近通过与我们的合并加入了MG2家族 Lion'eqsue集团.

2020 promotions grid of photos and quote

零售建筑设计领导者MG2与经验丰富的零售设计公司The Lion'esque Group合并

Stella & Dot pop-up

国际建筑公司MG2以与Target,PCC,DSW,Anthropologie,Costco和Tommy Bahama等领先零售品牌的合作而闻名,现已正式与 狮式集团(TLG):一家位于纽约的体验式零售公司,专注于沉浸式弹出式商店。这种合作关系使MG2和TLG能够为其客户提供更广泛,可扩展和互补的服务。

此次合并是行业首创,直接反映了零售业中可见趋势:一个快速发展的市场,要求品牌必须具有足够的敏捷性和灵活性,以创建沉浸式空间,这些空间与技术交织在一起,并被设计成交互式的,社区驱动的故事。 MG2和TLG曾与Nordstrom,Amazon和Shape Properties等具有远见的客户合作,现在将他们在经验设计,运营策略和架构服务方面的专业知识相结合,以创建一种全面的,端到端的设计实践,帮助他们的合作伙伴塑造并定义零售的未来。


——MG2首席执行官米奇·史密斯(Mitch Smith)

梅洛莎·冈萨雷斯(Melissa Gonzalez)于2009年成立的狮王集团(Lion'esque Group),其客户包括Purple,Brandless,Puma,RealReal,Citizenry和Thrive Global,将继续致力于零售策略和弹出式零售,同时使用已有的砖块和砂浆品牌将其空间转变为个性化,动态的购物体验。该团队将成为MG2的纽约办事处,在保持其Lionesesque Group品牌的同时扩大其全球影响力。


莱昂斯集团(Lion'esque Group)首席执行官梅丽莎·冈萨雷斯(Melissa Gonzalez)


PCC Community Market Burien

PCC社区超市 美国最大的社区所有制食品市场(PCC)宣布,它将成为世界上第一家获得“居住建筑挑战(LBC)花瓣认证”的杂货店。由国际未来生活研究所(ILFI)发起的“居住建筑挑战赛”是世界上最严格的绿色建筑标准。迄今为止,没有其他杂货商成功进行LBC认证。