


Approachable luxury

Since 2005, Brilliant Earth has offered the world ethically sourced, award-winning fine jewelry through its elevated web-based platform and personalized appointment-only showrooms. When the digitally-native company sought to expand its brick-and-mortar portfolio with open retail spaces, they partnered with MG2 to seamlessly translate the spirit of their digital brand and unique offerings into a real-world experience.

Like its jewelry, the retail design and rollout program for Brilliant Earth’s new showrooms was curated with thoughtful craftsmanship in every production phase. Previously, all the brand’s in-person experiences were appointment-only, with most of their spaces hidden away from window-shopping consumers on the upper floors of retail centers.

Utilizing a light, luminous, bright, and warm palette that reflected its online presence, MG2 designers brought an approachable luxury to Brilliant Earth’s new showroom experience. This new iteration of the store—the first of its kind for Brilliant Earth—brings an inviting, interactive, and educational retail experience into the brand’s program, diversifying its real estate potential with more premium, ground-level spaces, increasing awareness and engagement.

Brilliant Earth_Brooklyn

From planning to fixture design, the team boldly broke many industry barriers often seen in jewelry, such as the traditional horseshoe-shaped counters that often act as barriers.

Instead, in a direct reflection of the brand’s unique educational approach to the diamond shopping experience, MG2 designed a fixture package program that flexes and scales with each new space; a customizable kit-of-parts that can fit any format.

An entry kiosk once used to check customers in for their appointments evolved into a multi-functional digital tool. Now used to assist shoppers in industry and diamond education, the sizing of rings, and the check-out process, it’s a feature that further underlines the seamless integration of Brilliant Earth’s digital and physical offerings.

Caseline throughout the store is designed like furniture; display cases float lightly in the space, while round consultation tables equalize the service experience. This highly customized design and rollout program was achieved without raising the cost of construction for Brilliant Earth.

Brilliant Earth_Brooklyn

The Brooklyn location of Brilliant Earth represents a step forward for the brand while still adhering to the same kit of parts utilized in their other showrooms. Its unique building in Williamsburg features a vaulted ceiling and exposed brick, giving the space a larger and more roomy feel. This has granted merchandising room to grow, expanding the brand’s retail offering with six cases, an additional appointment station, and a more retail-focused reception area. With an emphasis on showcasing its fine jewelry products, this evolution in Brilliant Earth’s showroom design successfully balances its minimalist roots with an elevated, flexible retail agenda.

Similarly distinctive in its design hurdles and opportunities, Brilliant Earth’s King of Prussia showroom location—situated within a mall with limited egress and no natural light—presented unique challenges for the team to overcome. To bring the space to life, designers reprioritized the showroom’s configuration, eliminating the need for glazing, and added greater visual impact by utilizing large format graphics, wall casework, and incorporating merchandising above the cases. The warm and inviting retail story is solidified through the incorporation of recessed lighting, plush sofa seating, and education-centric pedestals at the front of the space.

The showroom’s private appointment stations were strategically relocated to the back of the space, providing guests with greater privacy while maximizing the overall flexibility of the design. By utilizing the same kit of parts as its other showrooms while adding new elements that reflect the brand, designers ensured that Brilliant Earth’s iconic bright and light personality prevailed within the confines of the darkened shopping center.

With each showroom brought to life across the country, this global leader in ethically sourced fine jewelry continues to seamlessly preserve its online identity while defining new retail experiences for its consumers, each with its own unique flair.


Vans 洛杉矶市区新店开业



House of Vans旗舰店占据了历史悠久的Singer Building大楼三层楼面,精心的设计优化了竖向动线与重叠路径,带来无缝衔接的的消费体验。同时还设置了诸如厨房和移动酒吧等别具一格、超乎预期的功能设施,而这要求门店的空间设计能够解决更为复杂的报批过审和合规性问题。


多年的合作让MG2成为了House of Vans项目的首席建筑合作伙伴,该项目是Vans迄今为止设立的最大、最具雄心的旗舰店,面积超过1000平米。对他们品牌的深入了解和稳固的合作关系让双方团队在整个项目期间都可以实现无缝衔接,保持透明度、信任度和协作性。

Vans美洲区营销副总裁Carly Gomez

多年的合作让MG2成为了House of Vans项目的首席建筑设计合作伙伴,该项目是Vans迄今为止设立的最大、最具雄心的旗舰店,面积超过1000平米。对他们品牌的深入了解和稳固的合作关系让双方团队在整个项目期间都可以实现无缝衔接,保持透明度、信任度和协作性





洛杉矶市区House of Vans是该品牌目前全球最大的Vans之家,也是该社区第二大的实验性零售空间。新店于2020年春季向公众开放,展出了本地艺术家的最新作品,设置了专门的社区体验工作室,当然了,还上新了各种Vans独家鞋品、服装和配饰。




Vans品牌崇尚个性和户外运动的文化,例如滑冰,冲浪,单板滑雪和BMX自行车。为了在墨西哥和其他市场拓展业务,VF Corporation需要将Vans商店的概念转变为新的商店设计,以增强文化敏感性地标志性品牌。






蒙克勒(Moncler)为豪华户外运动服设定了标准,其客户期望最好的东西。 Moncler的店铺遍布世界各地,一直在寻找合作伙伴,以便在华盛顿州Bellevue的Bravern的Shops和拉斯维加斯的Caesars的Forum Shops的新专卖店中将法式生活方式品牌融入生活。







进入新市场时,优衣库通过利用弹出式或临时商店位置来战略性地提高品牌知名度。 MG2与UNIQLO的美国和日本团队合作,进行了一系列此类弹出式窗口以及在线购物中心和旗舰店。一个特别独特的弹出窗口位于波士顿历史悠久的法纳伊大厅市场中,其后是附近的一家旗舰店,体现了优衣库的现代美学与将近200年历史的昆西市场建筑的传统融合。


  • Project Details

  • 地点 美国,多家门店
  • 客户 迅销有限公司
  • 市场分类
  • 规模 2,500-15,000平方英尺
  • 设计服务


6 月 2020 / By Melissa Gonzalez

就在几个月前,美丽还依赖于高接触感官环境。随着人们对高接触环境意识的增强,美容行业必须吸引负责任地解决与产品测试相关的“触摸和感觉”交互的客户。 店!协会 问我们的团队,商店如何在负责任地平衡数字化和人类互动的同时创造诱人和真实的体验?

Melissa Gonzalez,Min Jae Kwon和Lauren D'Archangelis探索设计解决方案,其中 美的未来 可以通过创新的吊船,平行游戏和氛围照明,互动式商店墙和新的结账方法来应对这一挑战。清洁和卫生将是品牌和消费者的首要任务,但是发现的情感体验仍然会闪耀。



6 月 2020 / By Melissa Gonzalez



作者:梅利莎·冈萨雷斯(Melissa Gonzalez),配图:米奇·普赖德(Mitch Pride),阿丽莎·乔·泰勒(Alyssa Joy Taylor)



5 月 2020 / By Melissa Gonzalez, Mitch Pride

我们如何在新常态中复活游戏,并为专注于为孩子及其家庭创造欢乐的品牌赋予新生命?作为 #ExperienceGood 与 文德里 和全球营销公司 CSM,梅利莎·冈萨雷斯(Melissa Gonzalez)和米奇·普赖德(Mitch Pride) 提供见解 感官探索如何激发孩子的创造力,与品牌建立情感联系。


Nordstrom Local

Nordstrom Local


They partnered with MG2 / The Lionesque Group to bring their vision of offering boutique, local services to life in New York City’s Upper East Side. Working side-by-side with the Nordstrom team, our designers ensured furnishings, fixtures, customer flow, and build-out met the demands of the local shoppers. The resulting space features a flexible model and floor plan that is adaptable to the changing needs of customers.




生活方式品牌Tommy Bahama以“人生是一个漫长的周末”为理念而创立,以休闲,精致的休闲服和岛屿风情而闻名。为了重振零售体验,吸收所有感官并全面反映品牌,Tommy Bahama与MG2合作开发了一种新的设计语言。最终目的是在众多商店,饭店和酒吧中培养凝聚力的客户体验。

MG2设计了三个独特的零售概念,标志性的度假胜地,家庭度假胜地和波希米亚岛,其灵感源于人们可能在数十年的阳光普照的咸水逍遥游中居住的地道空间。 标志性度假村 渲染郁郁葱葱的绿色植物和几何屏幕 家庭务虚会 具有磨损的表面,让人联想到1960年代的海滨别墅。最后但并非最不重要的, 波希米亚岛 提供带有抽象图案的丰富,非常规的纹理。这三个概念都提供了探索性的客户旅程,充满了令人愉悦的触觉体验。

同样重要的是,MG2设计的夹具,材料和销售要素的综合系统为Tommy Bahama带来了可扩展性的好处,因为它继续将每个概念提供给规模和编程不同的多个市场。








  • Project Details

  • 地点 美国,多家门店
  • 客户 Evereve
  • 市场分类
  • 规模 3,000平方英尺
  • 设计服务

Allen Edmonds


作为一家拥有96年历史、具有标志性的高档鞋履制造商和零售商,Allen Edmonds与MG2合作,为其品牌焕新计划重塑门店购物体验。全新的购物环境融合了工业风格元素(旨在致敬该品牌近百年的“美国制造”荣耀历史)和现代风格的细节元素,着重展现Allen Edmonds鞋履产品精湛的手工工艺。 



Allen Edmonds的鞋履产品如若保养得当,几乎可以使用一生,拥有可传承延续的超高品质。品质的力量和经典的风格铸就了不可估量的价值。全新店面设计力图向生活于快时尚时代的新兴消费群体传达该品牌的特质与形象。

  • Project Details

  • 地点 美国,多家门店
  • 客户 Caleres, Inc.
  • 市场分类
  • 规模 110平米
  • 设计服务


Enabling the retail evolution of a D2C brand

When Burrow—an innovative home furnishings brand part of the new direct-to-consumer retail movement—sought to follow up on the success of two pop-up shops with permanent flagship locations in New York, Boston, and Los Angeles, the design of these spaces hinged on a central question: How could these new flagships transform a successful online retailer into a lively, exciting lifestyle brand shoppers would now have the opportunity to interact with in-person?

Partnering with MG2 / The Lionesque Group, the teams collaborated on store design, site evaluation, and project management to bring to life Burrow House: immersive, multi-faceted, award-winning retail environments designed to grow with the company’s product line and tell the brand’s story in an experiential way.

Designed to showcase what life would be like with their furniture, Burrow House illustrates vignettes from the smallest city studio apartments to sweeping suburban family rooms. They flow from one space to the next, curating distinct narratives that offer fully shoppable bed and living room experiences. Each Burrow House location is unique, individually scouted, selected, and modularly curated by designers to best represent the brand to its target demographic in each given neighborhood.

Sustainably sourced materials reflect an inviting and familiar, mid-century style within a refined atmosphere using temperate woods and warm paint colors. And, like their award-winning furniture, the store design is flexible and modular, allowing for the continued evolution of their interiors to align with seasons, design trends, new collections, and blossoming partnerships with other DTC brands.

With locations in New York, Boston, and Los Angeles, and more on the way across the country, Burrow House is a memorable retail experience that emboldens one to redesign their living spaces far beyond a single purchase of a new couch. 

Since opening its doors, Burrow House has been featured in Furniture Today as well as Forbes, and recognized by 快速公司创新设计奖 for Retail Environments.