
Nordstrom Local

Nordstrom Local


They partnered with MG2 / The Lionesque Group to bring their vision of offering boutique, local services to life in New York City’s Upper East Side. Working side-by-side with the Nordstrom team, our designers ensured furnishings, fixtures, customer flow, and build-out met the demands of the local shoppers. The resulting space features a flexible model and floor plan that is adaptable to the changing needs of customers.


Allen Edmonds


作为一家拥有96年历史、具有标志性的高档鞋履制造商和零售商,Allen Edmonds与MG2合作,为其品牌焕新计划重塑门店购物体验。全新的购物环境融合了工业风格元素(旨在致敬该品牌近百年的“美国制造”荣耀历史)和现代风格的细节元素,着重展现Allen Edmonds鞋履产品精湛的手工工艺。 



Allen Edmonds的鞋履产品如若保养得当,几乎可以使用一生,拥有可传承延续的超高品质。品质的力量和经典的风格铸就了不可估量的价值。全新店面设计力图向生活于快时尚时代的新兴消费群体传达该品牌的特质与形象。

  • Project Details

  • 地点 美国,多家门店
  • 客户 Caleres, Inc.
  • 市场分类
  • 规模 110平米
  • 设计服务


Enabling the retail evolution of a D2C brand

When Burrow—an innovative home furnishings brand part of the new direct-to-consumer retail movement—sought to follow up on the success of two pop-up shops with permanent flagship locations in New York, Boston, and Los Angeles, the design of these spaces hinged on a central question: How could these new flagships transform a successful online retailer into a lively, exciting lifestyle brand shoppers would now have the opportunity to interact with in-person?

Partnering with MG2 / The Lionesque Group, the teams collaborated on store design, site evaluation, and project management to bring to life Burrow House: immersive, multi-faceted, award-winning retail environments designed to grow with the company’s product line and tell the brand’s story in an experiential way.

Designed to showcase what life would be like with their furniture, Burrow House illustrates vignettes from the smallest city studio apartments to sweeping suburban family rooms. They flow from one space to the next, curating distinct narratives that offer fully shoppable bed and living room experiences. Each Burrow House location is unique, individually scouted, selected, and modularly curated by designers to best represent the brand to its target demographic in each given neighborhood.

Sustainably sourced materials reflect an inviting and familiar, mid-century style within a refined atmosphere using temperate woods and warm paint colors. And, like their award-winning furniture, the store design is flexible and modular, allowing for the continued evolution of their interiors to align with seasons, design trends, new collections, and blossoming partnerships with other DTC brands.

With locations in New York, Boston, and Los Angeles, and more on the way across the country, Burrow House is a memorable retail experience that emboldens one to redesign their living spaces far beyond a single purchase of a new couch. 

Since opening its doors, Burrow House has been featured in Furniture Today as well as Forbes, and recognized by 快速公司创新设计奖 for Retail Environments.