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Costco Wholesale first opened its global headquarters campus in the mid-1990s and has continued to expand as the company grows. Working closely with the City of Issaquah, MG2 has been partnering with Costco on developing a 30-year agreement to expand on the original master plan, which features up to 1.5 million additional square feet of office space. 

The design aims to evolve Costco’s corporate campus by reimagining working environments, enhancing connectivity to the surrounding natural environment and community, and integrating modern, efficient, and sustainable practices and materials. In its current phase, open, collaborative workspaces, multi-functional parking facilities, and high-efficiency sustainable materials and operations take center stage.

Flexible Workspaces for Wellness and Collaboration

MG2’s interior design programming for Costco’s new nine-story building serves as the standard and foundation for all office spaces across the company. Layouts and furnishings place a consistent emphasis on health and wellness, providing employees with open-concept workspaces and flexible meeting areas. To further promote collaboration and culture, three new food and beverage spaces, an auditorium, and an art-centric exhibit space contribute to the brand’s principles of “campus, connection, and community” that it has envisioned for its evolved headquarters.

The expanded fitness center, which now includes a gym in the parking garage, allows for more daylight and promotes overall employee well-being. The flexible exhibit area on the ground floor of the new parking garage provides a space for vendors to showcase their products to employees.

A Multi-Functional Parking Garage

In tandem with Costco Wholesale’s new nine-story office building, MG2 also designed a complimentary parking structure for employees, featuring 1,694 stalls and 712,000 square feet of space. Connected to the workspaces via a sky bridge, the first floor of the parking garage features a 13,130-square-foot staff wellness center—complete with a fitness gym, aerobics room, full-service locker rooms, and secure interior bicycle storage—a 14,500-square-foot exhibit hall—which provides a space for vendors to showcase their products to employees—and a catering kitchen.

Building a Greener Future Inside and Out

Costco and MG2 prioritized sustainability throughout the design, targeting sustainable certifications and sourcing local materials. Key sustainability features include:

  1. Triple-glazing: The building envelope utilizes triple-pane glazing and strategic positioning of north vs south facades to reduce energy demand and optimize natural daylighting.
  2. Daylighting: Daylight sensors, LEDs, narrow floor plans, and an intelligent interior layout maximize natural light and reduce the need for artificial lighting.
  3. DOAS System: The dedicated outdoor air system efficiently recovers energy and reduces heating demand by using interior building heat to warm up outside air, reducing fossil fuel usage.

Additionally, a 43.75 kW solar photovoltaic system on the roof trellises—equating to roughly 2,250 square feet of solar panels—is installed atop the parking garage, while the interior of the garage houses three large backup generators to support the adjacent offices.

Costco’s commitment to sustainability is further demonstrated by providing real-time feedback through a display in the Headquarters lobby, helping inform employees on how they can improve their energy and water consumption.

Setting a New Standard for Corporate Campuses

As the 30-year master plan continues to evolve and take shape, MG2’s forward-looking design approach for Costco’s Headquarters expansion creates a dynamic, interconnected, and sustainable work environment that fosters collaboration and well-being. 

The emphasis on a healthy interior design language, multi-functional environments such as its new parking garage, and sustainability features both inside and out showcase the brand’s dedication to its employees, the local community, and the environment.



Close to the 405 corridors and the heart of downtown Kirkland sits the Rose Hill Shopping Center: a 40-year-old retail center and mall area growing more outdated by the day. The seven-acre site, which lacks residential or green spaces, was ready for a transformation, one that would help holistically foster a healthy, walkable community and support the growing tech company campuses nearby.

Madison Development Group partnered with MG2 to master plan, design, and develop the new Rose Hill: an innovative multi-block, mixed-use community campus project. Bringing to life seven unique buildings connected by a walkable, pedestrian-centric courtyard experience, Rose Hill will play host to over 830 residential units, 84,200 sq/ft of retail and grocery space, and 1,049 parking stalls, creating a memorable destination for the entire city of Kirkland and beyond.

One of the largest multi-family residence projects in the Seattle area, MG2 designers were tasked with establishing a livable community that felt like it’d always belonged there. The topography’s steep grading—a challenge our team has worked with before—was cleverly used to the site design’s favor, creating multiple entry points to the tiered complex. The central pedestrian plaza, a lush, tree-scaped, walkable courtyard bordered by active retail, is publicly accessible via a grand terraced staircase from 85th Street. The parking structure’s first floor features open-air, landscaped elements which blend seamlessly with the rest of the complex.

Moving through the campus, which is designed to encourage interaction, exploration, and curiosity, residents and visitors can easily see the variety of amenities and landmarks the property offers. Amenities are purposefully dispersed across several buildings, each of which is crafted to radiate their own personality inside and out while still speaking the same design language. The contextual significance of Rose Hill helps foster a sense of place; as one of the most pedestrian, walkability-focused projects in the neighborhood, this top-of-mind awareness of personable facilities and amenities fosters familiarity as well as continued inquisitiveness.

MG2’s unique cross-market expertise, integrated services packages, and long-standing relationships with retailers like PCC, Costco, and Target ensured that our team understood the intricate nuances of how a diverse, thriving, healthy community like Rose Hill would need to be designed for future success. Partnering closely with the client on timelines, the project has been broken down into a three-phased approach, ensuring that no detail is overlooked as we add 783 new multi-family homes and 77,000 SF of retail space to the community.

  • Project Details

  • 地点 华盛顿柯克兰
  • 客户 麦迪逊发展
  • 市场分类 ,
  • 规模 783伙; 1,294,000平方英尺; 77,000平方英尺的零售; 1,133个停车位
  • 设计服务

行业领袖David Schmitz加入MG2

MG2扩大了其高级团队,其中包括CallisonRTKL的前副总裁David Schmitz,他加入了Irvine办公室并担任副校长。

David是获得LEED认证的屡获殊荣的项目经理和团队负责人,他花了30多年的时间来推动美国及其他地区娱乐,购物和多功能综合体的未来发展。大卫最近在普鲁士国王购物中心所做的杰出工作获得了ICSC 2019北美设计与开发创新奖。


“ David在交付复杂的,自适应的重用项目方面的专业知识,以及他推动零售世界和连接社区的能力,与MG2的体验式设计实践完美匹配。我们一直在努力为消费者提供下一步的服务,而David的热情和才华将帮助我们实现我们的使命。”

MG2首席执行官Mitch Smith



Jooyeol Oh, 友邦保险,LEED AP


Jooyeol是一位富有远见的设计师,在开发周到的,以社区为中心的环境方面拥有20多年的经验。他提供的每种设计都适应不断变化的社区不断变化的生活方式需求。 Jooyeol因屡获殊荣的建筑和总体规划而享誉全球,他本能地根据客户的社会,文化和计划价值来打造体验。他通过积极倾听来领导,在各种相互对立的需求之间建立共识,以确保每个项目提出的机会成为现实。



Elik Grin, 友邦保险,LEED AP





David Russell, 友邦,NCARB


精明的战略顾问David Russell非常喜欢将新思想带入生活,塑造我们周围的世界并改善生活在其中的人们的生活的复杂性。他以深思熟虑的精确度领导MG2的社区环境实践,指导高绩效团队履行对客户和社区的承诺。



MG2很高兴宣布在我们的工作室和办公室中晋升40多名员工。 MG2植根于认可和赞赏的文化,不仅庆祝领导层内人员的进步,而且庆祝每个团队成员的进步。这里没有小角色。没有无情的才能和坚定不移的奉献精神 所有 我们的员工,我们将不再是今天的公司。

2020 promotions grid of photos and quote



  • 努比亚·埃雷拉|晋升为助理2
  • Mackenzie Gibbens |晋升为准3
  • Meadow Pirigyi |晋升为准3
  • 杰西卡·拉巴克(Jessica Labac)晋升为准4
  • 艾萨克·佩雷斯|晋升为准5


  • Gabriella Santostefano |晋升为助理2
  • Hazel Ventura |晋升为助理2
  • Krysten Gormly |晋升为准3
  • 伊沙纳(Ishana)晋升为准3
  • Paola Moreno |晋升为准3
  • Behbood Vatani |晋升为高级估算师
  • Meridyth卡特勒|晋升为高级助理1


  • Ryan Hartsuff |晋升为准5
  • 莫妮卡·罗素|晋升为准5
  • Liz Aiello |晋升为高级助理1


  • 雅各布·索萨德|晋升为助理2


  • 莎拉·伯蒂斯(Sarah Bertis)|晋升为助理2
  • 惠特尼·戈麦斯|晋升为助理2
  • Morgan Nestegard |晋升为助理2
  • 玛丽娜·索斯纳|晋升为助理2
  • 康纳·迪米克|晋升为准3
  • Trevor Gunderson |晋升为准3
  • Darren Mobley |晋升为准3
  • Kyle Bembenek |晋升为准4
  • 麦家琪|晋升为准4
  • Brian Dobry |晋升为准5
  • Fiona Cutner |晋升为高级助理1
  • 艾米·哈特|晋升为高级助理1


  • 布里奇特·阿诺德|晋升为助理2
  • 罗宾·伯格斯|晋升为准3
  • Elle Reinhard |晋升为准3
  • 霍华德·舒利恩|晋升为准5
  • 闵在权|晋升为高级助理1


  • 艾比·德雷克|晋升为高级平面设计师
  • 凯莉·库克|晋升为计划经理
  • 娜塔莎·温德|晋升为计划经理
  • 切尔西·帕迪劳|晋升为人力资源专员

在我们的领导团队中, MJ Munsell 已晋升为首席创意官。而且,除了两位新的校长之外- Risa YukiMark Taylor -和两名新的副校长- 斯科特·欧文 Mitch Pride —我们也很高兴欢迎另外两名股东: Melissa GonzalezNick Caputo,最近通过与我们的合并加入了MG2家族 Lion'eqsue集团.

2020 promotions grid of photos and quote

Arquitectonica的Jooyeol Oh加入MG2

全球建筑设计业务MG2与Arquitectonica前副总裁Jooyeol Oh扩大了高级团队,Jooyeol Oh以设计负责人的身份加入了公司西雅图办事处。 Jooyeol是一位富有远见的设计师,拥有20多年的经验,他屡获殊荣的建筑物和总体规划在国际上享有盛誉,并且最近担任了将位于纽约市的办公楼的首席设计师。 曼哈顿哈德逊广场的西部.



——MG2首席执行官米奇·史密斯(Mitch Smith)


“There is a unique opportunity at MG2 to take on and contribute to the design practice, advancing the firm’s reputation and ensuring our values reflect in everything we do. After years of exceptional project experiences in the world’s biggest architectural playground, I get to return to my Pacific Northwest roots.”

—Jooyeol Oh, Principal, MG2




建筑师MG2已提交东贝尔维尤15600 NE第八大街的早期重建计划。这个占地7.5英亩的场地位于购物中心的东南角,Bed Bed&Beyond以东。






Crossroads的整体分阶段扩建项目还包括在现有的Stone Gardens攀登体育馆以南的15,000平方英尺的公共广场,它将增加10,500平方英尺,以及一栋单独的新的1,000平方英尺的商业建筑。


混合用途住房项目于2月13日(星期三)下午6点在NE / 450 110 / City Hall举行了首次公开会议。公众意见征询期于2月7日结束。



该购物中心最初于1962年开发。在1980年代,该购物中心被卖给了与开发商Ron Sher相关的公司,后者因其成功的改建而广受赞誉。九年前,他以$1200万的价格将49%的股份出售给了圣地亚哥的ROIC,又名REIT的Retail Opportunity Investment Corp.。

根据SEC备案,2013年,ROIC支付了其余的$3750万美元。近年来的某个时候,该物业的名称变成了Crossroads,而不是Crossroads Mall。



如果计划继续进行,那将不是购物中心物业上或附近的第一套住房。 Polygon Northwest最近在购物中心东北方建造了176个联排别墅,以及一些零售店。 Crossroads Village的Upton占地近8英亩,旧的Haggen杂货店(又名Top Foods)被拆除。该财产归当地家庭集团所有,而非ROIC所有。

在同一个拐角处,在购物中心物业上,SHAG现在正在为老年人建设一个六层楼,185个单位的经济适用房社区。 (在富豪电影院的北部和多边形的发展的南部。)

在该地区的其他地方,住房也正在取代Northgate,Totem Lake的Village和Factoria的Marketplace的未充分利用的旧零售和停车场。

*发表在《西雅图每日商业期刊》上;由Brian Miller撰写。